Dispensing tool to improve LED packaging efficiency: LED dispensing nozzle striker
- Classification:Industry News
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- Published:2022-03-29
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[Description]The glue machine industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and the glue dispenser equipment has also been used by a large number of manufacturing enterprises. This is mainly based on the fact that the use of glue dispenser equipment can reduce costs and improve production efficiency for enterprises, especially now that companies are facing recruitment. Difficulties, procurement of automation equipment is imminent. However, the maintenance skills of the dispensing machine have not yet attracted the attention of enterprises. While applying the dispensing machine equipment, we should also pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of the dispensing machine. In this way, the service life of the dispenser can be extended, and it can also avoid the sudden problems of the equipment during the production process and delay the normal production.
Dispensing tool to improve LED packaging efficiency: LED dispensing nozzle striker
[Description]The glue machine industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and the glue dispenser equipment has also been used by a large number of manufacturing enterprises. This is mainly based on the fact that the use of glue dispenser equipment can reduce costs and improve production efficiency for enterprises, especially now that companies are facing recruitment. Difficulties, procurement of automation equipment is imminent. However, the maintenance skills of the dispensing machine have not yet attracted the attention of enterprises. While applying the dispensing machine equipment, we should also pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of the dispensing machine. In this way, the service life of the dispenser can be extended, and it can also avoid the sudden problems of the equipment during the production process and delay the normal production.
- Classification:Industry News
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- Published:2022-03-29
- Views:0
The glue machine industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and the glue dispenser equipment has also been used by a large number of manufacturing enterprises. This is mainly based on the fact that the use of glue dispenser equipment can reduce costs and improve production efficiency for enterprises, especially now that companies are facing recruitment. Difficulties, procurement of automation equipment is imminent. However, the maintenance skills of the dispensing machine have not yet attracted the attention of enterprises. While applying the dispensing machine equipment, we should also pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of the dispensing machine. In this way, the service life of the dispenser can be extended, and it can also avoid the sudden problems of the equipment during the production process and delay the normal production.
Several of the most practical ways to maintain the nozzle striker of the dispenser.
1. To replace the rubber type, the pipeline needs to be cleaned. At this time, first close the feed valve, open the dispensing valve, and discharge the remaining rubber material in the rubber bucket, close the discharge valve, open the feed valve, and pour the cleaning solvent into the rubber storage bucket. , activate the machine, and press the solvent out for flushing according to the usual operation method.
2. The lifter of the machine's quantitative cylinder needs to be lubricated regularly to increase the service life; regularly (once a week) use a grease gun to add 2-3 high-temperature lithium base grease to the grease nozzle.
3. If the air pressure and air intake are abnormal and there is water vapor, please remove the water vapor in the pressure regulating filter or check whether the air pressure source is abnormal.
4. Please wipe the machine part regularly to increase the service life.
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